Welcome to The Living Margin

Financial Coaching Made Simple

We know that you want to be financially free, but like most people, you likely have a lot of questions and aren't sure where to start. Through personalized financial coaching, you'll learn an easy-to-follow framework that God gave us for financial freedom.

The truth is, that if you take a quick look at the financial state of individuals and small business owners, it will reveal that the vast majority are struggling with their cash flow!

The Living Margin Framework is a common-sense education and empowerment system that will give you the skills you need to change your life and/or the trajectory of your business. When you get real about your deepest point of need, you'll see the greatest point of potential impact!

Ancient Wisdom for Today?

We're called to live on a circle in a square. In the Old Testament people were told to harvest their fields but not to harvest the corners. If a circle is drawn inside a square, it comprises 79% of the area. We are to live on 79% of what is ours - leave the corners and live in the circle. 

Did you know there are over 2,000 verses in Scripture devoted to handling finances and resources? Or that Jesus spent over 15% of all of His teachings about financial matters? All too often, well-intended people follow practical financial wisdom yet ignore spiritual principles.

Some will even follow spiritual principles believing that there is a "magic pill" to fix all their financial woes. So, what makes the difference, what causes financial freedom to happen in our lives and how can we achieve it? 

Creating a living margin follows the giving principles above as it's almost the same percentage. In this training, you will learn how to apply and balance both practical and biblical principles to create a Living Margin.

Personal Finances

If you’re like most people, knowing what to do isn’t where you struggle. Following through is the hard part. 

It’s like that gym membership you never use or the audiobook subscription that just keeps piling up unused credits. We all start with good intentions but usually end up frustrated in the end. 

As money coaches, we are like a personal trainer for your money. Whether you are struggling to stick to a budget, trying to crush debt, or feeling like things could be better, coaching will help you. 

If getting control of your money has been on your to-do list for way too long, make today the day that everything changes.

Business Finances

Running a business is hard enough. Adding in the constant ebb and flow of cash can leave you feeling frustrated and overwhelmed. You’re constantly looking for ways to increase revenue just so you can survive the month, only to wonder where the money went.

And the truth is, you shouldn’t have to worry about it. You should be able to focus on the growth of your company without worrying about what’s in your bank account. Most business owners struggle with managing their money, leaving them stuck in a feast or famine cycle. Unfortunately, this usually leaves them feeling underpaid and burnt out.

When people have control of their money, they are more likely to experience a fulfilling and successful life. Don’t waste another day stressing about money. In less than 30 days you’ll have more clarity, and peace of mind and will be on your way to a more profitable business